Bible Centre, 104, Salisbury Park, At The End of Gera Grand Lane
Near Gool Poonawala Garden Pune- 411037
937-213-8158, 932-563-3664
Our Ministries
We believe that it is the responsibility of church leadership to equip believers to do the work of ministry. Our church functions much in an organic way, while still maintaining some structure, order and categories. So, while you read about our ministries below, remember that there is a lot of overlap in body life, and these distinctions are not drawn so strictly.
The Pulpit Ministry
We believe that the most important distinguishing mark of a healthy church is the faithful proclamation of the Holy Scriptures. This was one of the main burdens of the great Apostle Paul in his Pastoral letters to Timothy and Titus. How healthy the church will become, how effective its witness and how deep its fellowship and worship all depends upon a steady diet of the word of God. Hence the primary focus of our gathering is to hear the Word, behold the glory of our God in the face of Jesus Christ and respond in reverent worship. Hence, we expect those who bring us the Word of God to be godly, spiritually gifted, trained and who can expound the Scriptures prayerfully depending on the Holy Spirit. with clarity and conviction.
Home Bible Studies
The apostle Paul reminded the Ephesian church that he met them in their homes and taught them the whole counsel of God. We understand the value of meeting people in the comfort of their own homes during the week and formally and informally teach the word. So far, we have studied the book of Ephesians, Old Testament Survey, Basic bible Doctrines, etc. Home Bible studies also are a wonderful occasion to pray for various needs of the church. This is done at different locations within the city so that it is convenient for all to attend. We have bible studies in English as well as Marathi languages.
Young Adults – Equipping Class
Every Sunday afternoon the young-adults aged between 19 to 35 years of age of the church meet together for being further equipped to live the Christian life (2 Tim 3: 16 and 17). How to study the Bible, Basic Bible doctrines, Discipleship, Pre-marital preparation etc. are some of the various topics that are covered during these times of fellowship and discussion. Usually this is followed by games and refreshments.
Sunday School For Children
We have children’s Sunday school aged between 3 to 12 years of age and they are being taught and nurtured with a biblical worldview by teaching them stories from the Bible in a Christ-centered way. They also learn about church history and get familiarized by the heroes of the faith. We want to show them the big picture of the bible and how we need Christ in this fallen world. We do this along with some fun activities like indoor games, conducting quizzes, teaching them hymns/songs with are rich in doctrinal truth etc.
Other Ministries
We have been doing the translation of Heidelberg Catechism, London Baptist Confession 1689 etc into Marathi and by God’s Grace we have committed members who are doing this task. These translated materials become a great tool of encouragement to the Marathi speaking people. Also, at regular intervals around the year we conduct conferences, seminars, retreats with some like-minded churches on various topics like the Doctrines of grace (TULIP), 5 SOLA’s of the Reformation, 500th year of Reformation etc.
Bible Centre, 104, Salisbury Park, At The End of Gera Grand Lane Near Gool Poonawala Garden Pune- 411037
Call us: 937-213-8158, 932-563-3664